
Anxiety Meds for Dogs

Every owner wants their dog to be as happy and healthy as can be. But, unfortunately, that's not always in our control. Dogs, just like people, can suffer from anxiety. It can occur for a number of reasons, and it can range from mild to severe. Dog anxiety can also be treated with a range of medicines. Some can be bought over the counter, while others will need to be prescribed by a vet. So, let's talk about anxiety meds for dogs.

Dog Anxiety: Spot the signs

There are some pretty big tells that your dog has anxiety. And, while they can't tell you directly, you can read it in their body language. Here's what to look out for:

  • Barking more than usual
  • Panting unrelated to heat or exercise
  • Body shaking
  • Ripping up furniture or objects around the house
  • Chewing on their bodies
  • Urinating and defecating inside if they're house-trained
  • Pacing
  • Hiding
  • Tucking their tail between their legs

Dogs are complicated little beasts, and no two are alike. As such, what's causing your dog's anxiety could depend on many factors. For some, travelling can be stressful, such as a trip to the vets. Others get severe separation anxiety when you're gone too long. Loud noises like sirens, fireworks or thunder can manifest anxiety too, as dogs don't understand what causes them.

Context will play a big part in determining the cause. If it's 5th November for instance, while you may have blocked out the sound of incessant banging, your dog will probably be overwhelmed with perceived threats. Or if they only feel anxious when they travel, it's easy to pinpoint behaviours you can change to help them.

Get to the vet

If you're concerned, take a trip to the vet. They should be able to help diagnose your dog's anxiety. Try and bring your vet as much information as possible in regards to the situation, because it will help them determine the root cause. If your vet believes your dog's anxiety is minor or passing, they may recommend slight behavioural changes to help. Or, if they believe your dog has a more severe case of anxiety, they may prescribe them some anti anxiety meds.

Anxiety meds for dogs: natural alternatives


Caninexiety is a premium supplement created to help keep your dog calm when experiencing stresses or anxiety. Its all-natural formula is loaded with vitamins and mineral with known calming qualities. These include:

  • Magnesium, which is known to contribute to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue, and the maintenance of normal psychological function.
  • B Vitamins, which have similar positive effects to magnesium
  • L.Tryptophan, which is considered important for mood.

Calming Drops

Calming Drops are rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which can help your dog's normal psychological function, promote calm, and help them deal with stress. They're non-drowsy, which is perfect if you need to make sure your dog stays awake, and their tuna flavouring ensures they'll be lapped up by even the pickiest of eaters!


These capsules can help calm your dog when they're feeling anxious or agitated. Their all-natural formula includes L-Taurine, and L-Theanine, which help promote serotonin, or the happy hormone, in your dog. And each capsule is enriched with lemon balm, which is actually part of the mint family. This plant is known for its calming properties and could help soothe your furry friend.

Calming Aid

These chicken and bacon flavoured tablets will trick any fussy dog into gobbling up their stress-relieving goodness! They're stuffed full of known calming ingredients like chamomile, ginger and passionflower, which don't just benefit the brain but also the normal function of the stomach!

Stress Support

Used as either a whole supplement or added to food, Stress Support's natural mix of vitamins, and boosted with lemon balm and chamomile, can help alleviate your dog's feelings of stress and anxiety

Alternatively, if your dog suffers from anxiety specific to your behaviour, like separation anxiety, try and combine trips to the shops with walkies, or work from home more often. And hey, there's never been a better time to work from home than right now!

However, for any intense stress or anxiety behaviours, we'd recommend speaking to your vet and being prescribed stronger anti anxiety medication.

And that's all you need to know about anti anxiety meds for dogs! With your new-found expertise, you should easily be able to make the best decision for your canine companion. And, we hope, ensure they have a happy and calm future ahead of them!

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