Denti-Care Powder

180 g Powder | Oral Support for Cats and Dogs

Taking a Bite Out of Life

We, as human beings, like to take precautions with our physical health and wellbeing on a regular basis. Namely, most of us ensure that we have cared-for teeth and fresh breath courtesy of our morning and nightly oral hygiene routine. Looking after our dental needs is just as important for us as it is for cats and dogs - arguably they need it more since they use their mouths and teeth for far more than we do!

Denti-Care Powder

The pet care scientists at Animigo have worked tirelessly to bring you Denti-Care Powder, a 2 in 1 clean and freshen oral care formula that has been scientifically created to nourish and look after the mouth of your cat or dog. This dental powder has been sourced from only the finest natural ingredients such as Seaweed and Peppermint Oil. The Peppermint Oil, in particular, is of importance as it provides a welcome aura of minty freshness to help refresh your pet's breath, making them all the more hygienic.


Depending on your pet’s size, simply sprinkle the recommended amount of powder on your pet’s food or drink. The powder is designed to stick inside the jawline and deep clean your pet’s teeth whilst they chew. Use it as and when required. To determine the daily amount for your pet, refer to the weight chart given below.


Seaweed Kelp Ascophyllum, Flavouring agent: peppermint

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reviews 4.5

86.58% based on 151 Reviews

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Its seems to look like the brand I usually buy from another well known shop on the high-street. I would not say it is a lot cheaper as there is less in the container and you have to give the dogs more to be affective as prescribed. Time will tell how good value it is and if it does the job. Only been using these past 4 days.

J Julie B
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Not yet in regular use

T Trevor H
Verified Purchase

My 13 year old labs breath wasn't the best but after using this there Is almost instantly a massive improvement, I'm using it in both hers and my puppy's meals daily, think it' fab

Verified Purchase

Very happy with the results so far, my dogs’s teeth have never looked so healthy.

B Brendan
Verified Purchase

My cat eats lots of fish and this can make his breath smell horrible and carry round the house. This powder helped get rid of the smell for good.

J Jake
Verified Purchase

Both my cat and dog are getting old but hate supplements which makes looking after them difficult! This powder slipped into their food no problem and that’s more peace of mind for me.

C Caitlin
Verified Purchase

So easy to give to them, smiling after just one scoop!

J Jess
Verified Purchase

Noticeably less yellow teeth from now which is fab!

S Sean
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Helps keep our Pugs breath fresh and minty.

E Evan
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Usually our Jack Russell gets smelly breath, this helped massively and now her breath is bearable.

M Michael
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2 scoops a day and we brush our Retrievers teeth regularly. This keeps her mouth clean and smelling great, despite the stinky food he eats.

A Ashton
Verified Purchase

Never use to pay much attention to our Cockers oral care until recently but after brushing and giving her Denti-Care, her breath is fresher and teeth are cleaner.

F Freddie
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Mixing with food is great and our puppy doesn't notice it in her food. Fast delivery as well.

J Joe
Verified Purchase

I quite like this powder, I just add it to my dog's food

P Pryanka
Verified Purchase

Really easy to disguise in food, make sure to use alongside dentastix and other toothpaste products for great oral health care

F Florence
Verified Purchase

Reduces Tartar Build Up according to the vets!

A Anya
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2 scoops of this a day for our great dane is great, make sure to mix it in with wet food to disguise perfectly..

D Darcie
Verified Purchase

We get twice as much product online as we do in our local pet shop so is worth the buy for our three dogs.

S Sandrah
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60g for £16.95 and bought this with the toothpaste and coenzyme q10. Free delivery no problems whatsoever.

L Lexi
Verified Purchase

Arrived next day and this powder is better for our border collie because she hates getting her teeth cleaned with the toothepaste, and spits it out. With the powder we get no problems.

S Scarlett
Verified Purchase

Love the powder, all three dogs seem to be not noticing this and it doesn't put them off their food.

E Eden
Verified Purchase

Pros: Looks good quality and a good price. Cons: The powder is a bit messy and can be hard to measure exactly.

C Cindra
Verified Purchase

This is a little bit messy, but apart from that it is good

S Suhas
Verified Purchase

my dog loves this!

L Louise
Verified Purchase

I guess it is working, he hasn't had any trouble with his teeth

F Ferdinand
Verified Purchase

The vet says her teeth are looking good so we will keep using this

A Andy
Verified Purchase

sono molto soddisfatta di questo prodotto, ero disperata in quanto il mio cane non mangia i bastoncini per la pulizia dei denti, poi un giorno ho fatto delle ricerche su internet e ho trovato questo prodotto e ho deciso di acquistarlo

M Maria R
Verified Purchase

Prodotto ottimo

M Marvin L
Verified Purchase

forse non miracoloso ma assolutamente ben tollerato, necessario parecchio tempo per vedere risultati concreti, poi dipende anche dalla situazione iniziale e dallo stato della bocca

Verified Purchase

Completamente soddisfatto. Prodotto ben tollerato ed efficace.

F Franco F
Verified Purchase

Troppo presto per valutarne pienamente le caratteristiche ma per adesso il prodotto pere rispondere alle aspettative.

G Giulia
Verified Purchase

Ottimi e nei tempi stabiliti. Consiglio

C Cliente
Verified Purchase

Ottimo prodotto

E Erica P
Verified Purchase

Eccezionale nella resa e nel contenuto!

C CNicoletta D
Verified Purchase

Ottimo per l'alitosi....sulla placca non saprei usato insieme al dentifricio l'effetto è ottimo!

C CNicoletta D
Verified Purchase

La uso da tempo, efficace

E Erica P
Verified Purchase

Prodotto efficace, conveniente e facile da somministrare. Sono molto soddisfatto!

E Ernesto
Verified Purchase

L’alito del mio gatto non è mai stato così profumato ed è tutto merito di questo prodotto. Consigliatissimo!

G Giovanni
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Ottimo articolo acquistato su questo sito in maniera totalmente sicura. Servizio clienti efficiente e cortese.

C Caterina
Verified Purchase

Davvero un buon integratore, il mio cane ha i denti pulitissimi e l’alito fresco. Cinque stelle meritate!

J Jessica
Verified Purchase

Denti-Care Polvere è un prodotto efficace, sono molto contento dei suoi risultati. Ovviamente, lo è anche il mio cane!

S Stefano
Verified Purchase

Uno dei miei prodotti preferiti! il profumo è fantastico.

A Anonymous
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la cosa che mi piace di più di questo prodotto è il profumo che lascia. quando il mio cane mi lecca è una gioia ora, mentre prima non vi dico!!!

E Elena
Verified Purchase

Ho iniziato ad utilizzarlo esattamente un mese fa e credo che non lo mollerò più!! mi piace davvero tanto e poi il mio cane è piccolino quindi mi dura anche di più.

V Vitto
Verified Purchase

non mi piace l'odore del cibo del mio gatto e cercavo qualcosa che potesse attenuarlo in modo che non fosse così forte. questo funziona ed essendo naturale non ho paura di esagerare con la quantità.

E Enrico
Verified Purchase

Cercavo un rimedio per l'alito cattivo del mio cane. Molto efficace soprattutto perché è anziano e non tollera la pulizia dei denti. Lo consiglio.

D Davide A.
Verified Purchase


K Katty M
Verified Purchase

tres bien.

Verified Purchase

Pas de soucis pour donner aux chiens

d du H
Verified Purchase

Très contente, des bonnes dents c’est important

M Marie
Verified Purchase

Avec un chat qui mange que du poisson c’est un must croyez moi

A Anaïs
Verified Purchase

Les suppléments comme celui-ci permettent de faire vivre animaux plus vieux si vous tenez à votre chat le choix est vite fait

J Jérémy
Verified Purchase

Facile d’emploi c’est la première fois que j’essaye et c’est franchement bien

L Loïc
Verified Purchase

Mon chien l'adore

L Louise
Verified Purchase

J'aime bien cette poudre, je l'ajoute juste à la nourriture de mon chien

P Pryanka
Verified Purchase

Avantages: semble de bonne qualité et d'un bon prix. Inconvénients: La poudre fait un peu de désordre et peut être difficile à mesurer exactement.

C Cindra
Verified Purchase

Ça fait un peu de désordre mais sinon c'est un bon produit.

S Suhas
Verified Purchase

Je suppose que ça marche, il n'a eu aucun problème avec ses dents

F Ferdinand
Verified Purchase

Le vétérinaire dit que ses dents sont en bon état, nous continuerons donc à utiliser ce produit.

A Andy
Verified Purchase

Super godt til min hund som både lugter for og bag🤣👍🏻 Vi andre kan nu også være i rummet når min hund lufter ud👏🏻❤️❤️

S Susan B
Verified Purchase

Umiddelbart godt, hundens ånde er blevet bedre

J Jonna U
Verified Purchase

Da jeg først nu har prøvet produktet, ved jeg ikke om det er til 5 stjerner.. Det ved jeg først, når min hund har været til tandrensning.. men I bliver ved med at rykke for en vurdering..

K Karen M
Verified Purchase

Godt, vores hund indtager det med velbehag på hans aftens-tørpiller

J Jonna U
Verified Purchase

Super godt produkt.

J Jeanette T
Verified Purchase

Tilfreds med produktet og den hurtige levering.

B Bjørn
Verified Purchase

Min kat lugter ikke ud af munden længere.

J Josefine
Verified Purchase

Et ganske godt produkt, nemt lige at gemme i maden

O Orla
Verified Purchase

Min hund har bestemt fået bedre ånde, og det nemt lige at gemme i maden

J Jane
Verified Purchase

God service, hurtig levering og produktet virker lige som det skal. Meget tilfreds

M Monika
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Meget tilfreds indtil videre

K Katja
Verified Purchase

Min kat vil ikke spise det til at starte med, men nu går det lidt bedre

D Dennis
Verified Purchase

Ganske godt produkt, vil anbefale det til at forfriske hundens ånde. Måske hjælper det på tænderne

L Laura
Verified Purchase

Rigtig godt produkt, der virker lige som det skal

T Theodora
Verified Purchase

Har nemt kunne gemme det i maden, og tror det virker rigtig fint

M Marie-Louise
Verified Purchase

Udemærket produkt, hurtig levering og god service

P Poul
Verified Purchase

Jeg kan rigtig godt lide dette produkt! Min hunds ånde er blevet bedre, og det nemt lige at tilføje til hans daglige foder.

A Alma
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A Asbjørn
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Meget tilfreds, vil klart anbefale dette produkt, hvis du gerne vil forbedre din kats ånde

K Katinka
Verified Purchase

Jeg er meget tilfreds med produktet og dennes virkning

G Gudrun
Verified Purchase

Fint produkt og hurtig levering

L Lars
Verified Purchase

Godt produkt, kan anbefales

H Hjørdis
Verified Purchase

Hurtigt levering. Produktet er rigtig fint, der har ikke været nogle problemer med det endnu

S Sofia
Verified Purchase

Godt produkt

C Charlotte
Verified Purchase

Rigtig godt produkt, vores hund har klart en mere frisk ånde

M Mark
Verified Purchase

Meget godt produkt, nemt at gemme i maden

L Laura
Verified Purchase

Super godt produkt

L Lone
Verified Purchase

Jeg kan godt lide dette pulver, jeg tilføjer det bare til min hunds mad

P Pryanka
Verified Purchase

Fordele: god kvalitet og en god pris ud. Ulemper: Pulveret er lidt rodet og kan være svært at måle nøjagtigt.

C Cindra
Verified Purchase

Det sviner lidt, men bortset fra det er det godt

S Suhas
Verified Purchase

Min hund elsker det

L Louise
Verified Purchase

Jeg antager at det fungerer, han har ikke haft problemer med tænderne indtil videre

F Ferdinand
Verified Purchase

Dyrlægen siger, at hendes tænder ser godt ud, så vi fortsætter med at bruge det

A Andy
Verified Purchase

Sehr zufrieden mit den bisherigen Ergebnissen, die Zähne meiner Hunde haben noch nie so gesund ausgesehen.

R Ryan
Verified Purchase

Meine Katze isst viel Fisch und das kann seinen Atem schrecklich riechen lassen und er trägt das gern im ganzen Haus herum. Dieses Pulver half, den Geruch für immer loszuwerden.

L Lena
Verified Purchase

Sowohl meine Katze als auch mein Hund werden alt, aber hassen Ergänzungen. Was das zufüttern schwierig macht! Dieses Pulver ist in ihrem Essen kein Problem und das ist mehr Ruhe für mich.

M Maria Isabel
Verified Purchase

So einfach zu geben. Er lächelt wie eh und je und sieht klasse aus. Empfehlenswert!

A Adam
Verified Purchase

Wollte meinen Pudel zu besserer Zahnhygiene verhelfen, also hab ich das Pulver kurzer hand bestellt. Schöne Verpackung, leicht zu verstehen. Habe angefangen es meinem Hund zu geben und werde sicher erzählen, wie es weiter geht!

T Tess
Verified Purchase

Gute Hilfe!

P Petra
Verified Purchase

Hilft uns super bei der regelmäßigen Mundreinigung!!

K Kerstin
Verified Purchase

Insgesamt gut, finde nur, dass es für die Menge an Pulver zu teuer ist...

N Norbert
Verified Purchase

Super Nahrungsergänzung! Gebe es immer mit dem Futter und das klappt wunderbar!

M Manuela
Verified Purchase

Praktisch und natürlich.

T Thorsten
Verified Purchase

Ich mag dieses Pulver sehr gerne, ich füge es nur dem Futter meines Hundes hinzu

P Pryanka
Verified Purchase

Vorteile: Sieht gut aus und hat einen guten Preis. Nachteile: Der Pulver ist etwas schmuddelig und kann schwer zum Messen sein.

C Cindra
Verified Purchase

Mein Hund liebt es!

L Louise
Verified Purchase

Das ist ein bisschen unordentlich, aber ansonsten ist es gut

S Suhas
Verified Purchase

Ich denke, es funktioniert, er hatte keine Probleme mehr mit seinen Zähnen

F Ferdinand
Verified Purchase

Die Tierärztin sagt, dass ihre Zähne gut aussehen, deshalb werden wir es weiter benutzen

A Andy
Verified Purchase

Jag är väldigt nöjd med resultaten, min hunds tänder har aldrig varit så friska

B Brendan
Verified Purchase

Min katt äter mycket fisk, vilket gör så att andedräkten luktar över hela huset. Det här pulvret hjälpte oss att bli av med lukten.

J Jake
Verified Purchase

Både min hund och min katt är gamla och avskyr att ta kosttillskott, vilket gör det svårt att ta hand om dem. Jag blev lättad över att det var så lätt att blanda ner pulvret i maten.

C Caitlin
Verified Purchase

Det var så lätt att ge dem, och jag märkte resultat efter bara en skopa!

J Jess
Verified Purchase

Jag ville ge min pudel bättre tandhygien så jag beställde hem det här pulvret. Fin förpackning och lättanvänt. Jag har börjat ge det till min hund och kommer att återkomma när jag vet hur det fungerar!

S Stephanie
Verified Purchase

Hunden luktar inte så illa ur munnen längre så det verkar fungerar. Enkelt att strö över maten

B Benny
Verified Purchase

Lättare att använda än vanlig hundtandkräm, men behöver nog använda det lite till innan jag kan avgöra om det är lika effektivt.

H Henna
Verified Purchase

Bra produkt! Min hund har inte alls lika mycket plack som förr. Rekommenderas varmt

A Anna
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Min katt totalvägrar att borsta tänderna så det här är ett utmärkt alternativ. Han gillar inte smaken så mycket men det går bra om man blandar ner det i mindre portioner

M Margaretha
Verified Purchase

Väldigt nöjd!

M Marianne
Verified Purchase

Hunden tycker det är gott, men det förstörde matskålen som ska vara rostfri och vet ej om den gav så mycket nytta för tänderna. Kanske behöver man köra fler burkar för att veta.

A Anna
Verified Purchase

Jag tycker faktiskt att denna produkten hjälper för att ge hundarna en bättre andedräkt!

N Nadia
Verified Purchase

Efectivo para frenar los depósitos de sarro

G Gisela F
Verified Purchase

Fácil de usar y lo mejor para la salud dental de las mascotas

L Luis F
Verified Purchase

Todo bien,buen producto.

D Diego C
Verified Purchase

De momento parece que les gusta, es demasiado pronto para saber si funciona.

V Vanessa V
Verified Purchase

Superbien, les gusta y mejora el aliento

E Eva
Verified Purchase

No puedo opinar de algo que estoy empezando a un poco absurdo... cuando pase tiempo es cuando debéis pedir opinión a los clientes.

A Alba C
Verified Purchase

Encantado con los resultados de momento, los dientes de mi perro nunca han estado mejor.

B Berta
Verified Purchase

Mi gato come un montón de pescado y eso hace que su aliento huela fatal. Este polvo me ayudó a terminar con el mal olor de una vez por todas.

J Joaquin
Verified Purchase

Tanto mi gato como mi perro están mayores, pero odian los suplementos, lo que hace que sea difícil cuidar de ellos. Mezclando este polvo en su comida es la solución perfecta para que se lo tomen sin darse cuenta.

C Carolina
Verified Purchase

Facilísimo de dar

V Veronica
Verified Purchase

Quería mejorar la higiene dental de mi perro así que compré este polvo. Buen embalaje, fácil de usar. He empezado a dárselo a mi perro y ya diré qué tal va.

E Estefanía
Verified Purchase

Me gusta mucho este polvo, solo lo agrego a la comida de mi perro

P Pryanka
Verified Purchase

Pros: Parece de buena calidad y buen precio. Contras: El polvo es un poco desordenado y puede ser difícil de medir exactamente.

C Cindra
Verified Purchase

Esto es un poco desordenado, pero aparte de eso es bueno

S Suhas
Verified Purchase

mi perro ama esto!

L Louise
Verified Purchase

Supongo que está funcionando, no ha tenido ningún problema con los dientes.

F Ferdinand
Verified Purchase

El veterinario dice que sus dientes se ven bien, así que seguiremos usando esto

A Andy
Verified Purchase

Het werkt goed met onze honden en katten, Hun monden ruikt niet stinkt

Y YouChih J
Verified Purchase

Bij me ene hond werkt het perfect de tandplak wordt minder zou het wel vaker bestellen Bij me andere hond werk het niet zijn tanden worden er geel van

J Jennifer W
Verified Purchase

Dit is voor onze oude hond (15j) alle ontstekingen zijn weg en zijn adem is véél beter. Een operatie zou levensbedreigend kunnen zijn dus dit is een goed alternatief.

A Avaert T
Verified Purchase

Voor onze hond helpt de poeder tegen tandsteen, een echte aanrader. Dit is de 2 e pot inmiddels. Mikah is 9 jaar en Poyraz 5 jaar. Voor onze kat is het nog te vroeg om resultaten te zien, zij is sinds 1 mnd begonnen met de Denti-Care poeder.

S Susan
Verified Purchase

Werkt goed

Z Zoe
Verified Purchase

lijkt goed zijn werk te doen

J Julie
Verified Purchase

Fijn poeder

M Milou
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Schrobt goed de tanden en houd het goed schoon

A Aiden
Verified Purchase

Zeer handig want dit scheelt weer tanden poetsen!

N Noa
Verified Purchase

erg handig

R Rafael
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Goed vlooienpoeder

L Lisa
Verified Purchase

Duidelijk schonere tanden en een frissere geur merkbaar

R Ravi
Verified Purchase

Gaat makkelijk door het voer en onze hond eet het nog steeds op

S Sem
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Erg tevreden over Animigo producten

S Sophie

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